

America, America ~ stumbled and fell–

down and counting, none can breathe freely,

Getting stoned, high, oblivious, face-planted–

wake and bake and all day long,

Night hiding more and more–

never enough smore, smore, wanna, gotta, gimme,

White drugs, pills, whatever SMORE–

gimme-gimme, gotta have a cauldron overflowing, bubbling,

Toil and trouble witches brew–

evildoers call the game citizens line up,

Wall Street takes bets, racketeering–

jerking, pulling rugs, slitting throats from behind,

Knowing U  S  of A–

can NOT get up Mother Earth weeping,

Kuan extends beyond physical structure–

temple, shrine, a way of life, self,

Contemplation is not stuck in–

the head, thinking with heart, feeling in,

Brain, mind every cell, cells–

counting more than a universe Wu Wei,

deepest atonement nature, not superficiality–

Body, unity with All AND All, ALL,

Constant self-contemplation, introspection, alchemy, cultivation–

artificiality is a tomb in eternity co-created,

Check in to reality choose–

over and over and over subterranean form,

Human being maybe – maybe not–

nature is our partner dying killed nuked,

Wake up and understand life–

a non-negotiable energy, chi, qui, ki, free,

T’ai Chi, Yoga, how many–

cycles in a day do Americans cultivate?!

Roberta Kelly, December 2017














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